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Recipe: Avocado Chicken Salad


Know what time it is?? Its my Favourite time ladies…Food time! Yippie Yes, it’s another opportunity to try a new recipe. Let’s make a colourful and healthy bowl of Avocado chicken salad. I love this fun recipe because it adds a twist to plain old boring Cole Slaw especially if you decide to serve it in an avocado (see image above). For this recipe you will need 1 cup chicken breast, cooked and shredded ¼ cup corn (tinned) Green beans (tinned) ¼ cup onions, chopped ¼ tomatoes, diced Cabbage 2 tablespoons white vinegar 4 tablespoons mayonnaise Salt to taste 2-4 avocados, sliced in half *optional  Before you start: -Properly wash, chop/dice and properly compartmental the vegetables .  -Rinse and drain the sweet corn, green beans. Directions: 

1. In a medium bowl, toss the chicken breast, corn, green beans, onions, cabbage, tomatoes, and corn together. 

2. Add the vinegar and mayonnaise to the mixture and toss to coat. Salt to taste. 

3.Optional, split avocados in half, discard pits and stuff with salad mix.

 4. Serve immediately with a spoon and fork. 4. If you don’t wish to serve in avocado, go ahead and enjoy with rice, pasta or any side dish of your choosing. Enjoy!  

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