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Juicing for Clear Skin

Juicing for Clear Skin

Juicing for Clear Skin

We all love to have that silky smooth clear skin that radiates even from a distance. We find creams and lotions that claim to have such effects but it’s advisable to resort to a natural method as those chemicals tend to have adverse effects on your skin in the long run.  These juices clear the skin to such an extent that cannot be achieved even with your most expensive creams. Make different kinds of juice recipes everyday and discover the gorgeous skin that you never saw before. Some juice mixtures which you can blend on your own are given below. Incorporate them in your daily life and get an absolutely clear beautiful skin. 

 1. Carrot and apple for smooth skin: Carrot-2 Apple- 1 Ginger- 1/2 inch Do: Grind all these ingredients in a blender and drink it early in the morning daily.  

2. Pineapple and cucumber for keeping acne at bay: Cucumber- 1/2 Pineapple- few slices Apple- 1/2 Do: Cut all the ingredients, blend and drink before breakfast. 

 3. Beetroot punch: Beetroot- 1 Carrot- 1/2 Ginger- 1/2 inch Do: Peel the beetroot and carrot. Cut them into small pieces and wash well. Put them in a blender. Then peel the ginger and add it to the blender as well. -Blend everything together until it gains a smoothie consistency. Drink it everyday before breakfast.   

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