The New Testament book of Philippians explains the attitude, mindset and outlook we as believers must have if we want to experience the joy of the Lord. As we know quite well, the world we live in is full of difficult and confused people. This isn’t an easy place to live. Thank goodness this life is just temporary until the day our glorious Lord returns for us.
The Apostle Paul writes in vs. 1:27 that we are to “live as citizens of heaven, conducting ourselves in a manner worthy of the Good News about Christ.” Paul instructs us to be different than the world. He tells us to,
“…live clean, innocent lives as children of God in a dark world full of crooked and perverse people. Let your lives shine brightly before them.” (2:15)
Have any of you had the pleasure of meeting a “street preacher”? Or a team of women that go into troubled neighborhoods, walking the sidewalks and sharing the Word of God? These people are amazing! They are a perfect example of having the “Light” of Christ shining in a very dark world. Even a hardened gang member or destitute street person can be drawn to them, listen to them and soften their hardened exterior for a few moments to be prayed over and told they matter and Jesus loves them. Can you imagine the impact this has someone who believes they aren’t lovable and are considered a throw away? Praise God for those beautiful souls who risk their safety doing this amazing work for the Lord.
“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus…” (2:5)
As Christians we are to strive to have the mindset of Jesus. And what a beautiful mind it is!
— Jesus had an unselfish attitude. We are not to live to make a good impression but to care about the interest of others. (2:3,4)
— Jesus had a servant attitude. Jesus came to earth and took on the form of a servant (2:7), even though Jesus was God in human form.
— Jesus had a sacrificial attitude. Jesus of course made the ultimate sacrifice, his life! As believers we are to give of ourselves to help others. Have you ever given the shirt off your back to help someone? Or put your last $10 in the offering plate?
— Jesus had a humble attitude. Christ humbled Himself and became obedient. (2:8) We are to think of others as better than ourselves. (2:3)
— Jesus had an obedient attitude. Christ became “obedient to the point of death”. (2:8) God gives us the desire to obey Him and the power to do what pleases Him. (2:13)
— Jesus had a patient attitude. We are to endure the difficulties in life and have a willingness to wait for our reward. Waiting on the Lord renews our strength (Isa. 40:31)

If we have the love of Christ in our hearts, developing a Christ-like attitude isn’t such a daunting feat! It is something we desire and strive for. Jesus never said it would be easy being a Christian, but I think as most of us have experienced in life is that anything worthwhile shouldn’t be easy. Otherwise it loses it’s worth. So let all of us keep striving to be Christ-like. Let’s all of us show others the Light of Jesus Christ in our life. Let’s all of us be unselfish, serve others, give until it hurts, abolish pride, be obedient and practice patience.