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Ankara Lookbok #76:

Look 1: empressemami

deris noting new its jst a matter of IDEA.......
I like to believe that there is no sure thing a “new” idea. It just a matter of building/ repacking an already existing one to create something new and refreshing. Take a look at how these gorgeous woman transformed their fabric into these looks and get creative!

Read more at: | Follow us: @mykamdora on Twitter | Kamdora on Facebook | Kamdora on Instagram
I like to believe that there is no sure thing a “new” idea. It just a matter of building/ repacking an already existing one to create something new and refreshing. Take a look at how these gorgeous woman transformed their fabric into these looks and get creative!

Read more at: | Follow us: @mykamdora on Twitter | Kamdora on Facebook | Kamdora on Instagram

Look 3: fabhouseoftshims

Look 2: edaowofashion

Look 4: living_my_bliss_instyle

Ankara Lookbok #76 Print Out

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