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Christian sermon for youths and teenagers

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Pastor Adeboye
Memorize “It is good for a man that he bear the
yoke in this youth” (Lam 3:27)
Read Lamentation 3:25-27
In proverbs 6:6-11, we are enjoined to go to the ants. God refers every slothful, and indolent believer to learn hard work and industry from ants. If ants can achieve so much without supervision, we should achieve much more with supervision
. Proverb 6:8 says, provideth her meat in summer and gathereth her food in the harvest”. One lesson from the ants is that they know then to work and when to rest. Ants gather their food in summer.
Their is a right time to labour. “It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth” (Lam 3:27). If your time is well utilized, your youth would be spent in laying a solid foundation for the future. During this period, you will go through school to at last a degree level.
It is even better to end up with a Master or Doctorate. Thereafter, you can either get a job or create one for your self. After some years of hard working you should plan for your retirement. Unfortunately, many have wasted their time.
They went after leisure and vanity in their days and in their latter years they have nothing to retire to. Can you imagine some people who should be retiring at the age of 50 or 60 years, are just laying their foundation for work?
When their mates have retired and live comfortably in their houses and their children are in the University, that is when such men will start struggling to get a job in the factory or somewhere.
Stop wasting your life! Youthful period is not a time for leisure but for serious hard work. It is not a time to gallivant, attend paties, discos and gatherings that cannot contribute to the development of your life.
Your youth is time to lay a soild foundation both for your self and generation after you. It is where you stop, your children will continue from.
How prepared are you for the rainy day? On the other hand, even if you have been wasting your life, stop it. Start preparing your foundation.
Go back to school. Get a university degree. No matter how old you are, it is not too late. Are you a pastor or a senor pastor with a university education? Dust your books and return to school!
Eliminate all time wasters. Channel your resources into productive profitable uses. If you leave this world without laying a good foundation, your children will curse you.