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SO SAD!!! THIS Young Female Student Who Bed-wet Needs Advise (VERY IMPORTANT)

Hello Croozzy News Readers, 

I am a blog reader. an undergraduate of a polytechnic in the south east. i need someone to talk to because my life is a mess. 

I started bed-wetting when i was 15years old and i am 23 now. This has destroyed my life. 

My mum believes that its a spiritual problem and we have gone to countless churches, ministries and prayer houses. I didnt really feel the torment until i gained admission. 

I disgraced myself on countless occasions and then learnt to adjust. i cant have my friends sleep over. I cant sleep out. I am not allowed to have a room mate. school hostels was never an option for me because of the obvious. i have tried alarm watch, sycamore wraps, pulse plasters, everything that i know. 

Everynight, the pulse plaster will wake me up and i will go pee in the toilet only for me to wake up and discover that i am still lying down on my foam all wet. I have lost relationships because of this. Some cant understand why i cant sleep over or allow them sleep over even tho i live off campus alone. They simply call me weird and all sorts that i cant mention here. 

My problem now is that my mum called me last night to inform me that we will be going to lagos on Friday. I was like why, she said that we are going to synagogue church of all nations. I died inside. because i know that the whole world will soon know that i wet the bed. that church video tapes everything and shows it on live tv. i don't know how to handle this. my mum insists that we must go even when i told her that i cannot handle the shame. Guys please, my mummy's number is 081********, please help me call and explain to her. 

I cannot do this. the shame is too much. even if they heal me, the stigma will never leave. i have been thinking and i feel like dying. how will i face my life after the national disgrace? please help me and call her but if it doesnt work. i think i will have to off my phone and disappear till next week. I have a little money in my acct and i know a cheap hotel around. 

Please help me.

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