Lerato Pitso’s curvy bottoms has become her curse since her childhood, as the only type of attention she gets is directed to her hips. All her life she was treated by men as a sex object and once even thought of ending her life.
Lerato Pitso’s curvy bottoms has become her curse since her childhood
Now as she follows a low carb, high protein diet and exercises daily, Pitso hopes that one day she will find a man, who will love her for who she is, not only for what she looks like
Now as she follows a low carb, high protein diet and exercises daily, Pitso hopes that one day she will find a man, who will love her for who she is, not only for what she looks like
Recently, the woman participated in the City of Johannesburg’s Weight Loss Challenge that literally saved her life. At the time of the contest she was weighing 120kg and had serious health problems. She said: “I’ve been battling with my weight since I was a teenager. I was on the verge of committing suicide. This challenge saved my life.
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