She told the court: “My life is in danger. George fights me frequently, he threatens my life. There is no more love in this relationship”.
She added that all efforts to resolve the issues have proved abortive. “All peace initiatives, particularly from his kinsmen, were not successful because he said he had more valuable things to do than settling the misunderstanding between us.”
But while responding, George said he was shocked to receive the court summons as efforts were on to resolve the issues by his kinsmen.
Meanwhile, a 27-year-old artisan, Scot Emmanuel, pleaded with the court not to dissolve his 10-year old marriage to his wife, Caroline.
The wife had filed for divorce claiming abandonment. Scot said he was not ready for the divorce, adding that he would rather ask for reconciliation. “I do not want the marriage of over 10 years that has produced two children to scatter. I want to settle any quarrels with her. I am ready to provide accommodation for her and my children,” he said.
The husband has promised to provide the accommodation and N2,000 weekly allowance as agreed at the last hearing of the case. “My wife should take it easy with me as things are hard and I do not get regular borehole jobs any more”, the respondent pleaded. He asked the court to help him appeal to the wife for forgiveness.
Court president, Ogunmola, advised the husband to work hard to impress his wife so that she could change her mind for the future of their children. “If you want to change her mind, you must find the way to do so. We are bothered about the future of the children”, Ogunmola said.
Speaking to Caroline, the court president said: “You are extremely too young to have two homes, you need to endure with your current man because you do not know how the next husband would turn out”.
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