As Bill Cosby's disposition in which he confessed he intended to give women drugs before sex was made public last week,it's been revealed his wife was not fazed as she knows about his womanizing ways but believes his scores of accusers consented to drugs and sex..
According to New York Times, the insiders close to the Cosby'said
According to New York Times, the insiders close to the Cosby'said
“Camille still doesn’t believe that Bill provided drugs and had sex with women without their consent,” said a source employed by the Cosby family. “She’s well aware of his cheating, but she doesn’t believe that her husband is a rapist.”
Mrs. Cosby is “a proud, dignified but stubborn woman. You can say that she’s standing by her husband, but really, the more people stand against him, the more she perceives it as an affront to her and all that she’s done to make him a star,” said another source who’s done business with the Cosbys and remains close to them.Camille Cosby, 71, who is also her 78-year-old husband’s business manager, demanded last week at a crisis meeting with advisers that their lawyers and p.r. specialists “get back out in front of this,” the business source said.
“I created him, I knew what I was getting and we’ll fix this,” she told the gathering at a meeting at the couple’s Shelburne Falls, Mass., home Tuesday night.
“They are making him out to be such a bad guy, a monster,”People are jumping ship,
Camille Cosby remains on Bill’s side, despite his constant cheating.She “stopped being embarrassed long ago” by her husband’s affairs, the family source said, but cannot tolerate the “invasion of privacy.”
The infidelities were “personal, between Bill and I,” she’s told her circle, the source said.According to the family source, Camille confided,
“You have to allow for space to let your partner do what he wants. I have done that and [Bill] has done that and there’s no jealously, no friction.”She said every so often the couple goes through an “evaluation period” to determine whether the marriage should continue.
“She even once talked to Oprah Winfrey about cleansing herself of baggage every now and again and how it always seems to lead her back to staying with Bill,”Rev. Carl Dianda, the couple’s longtime spiritual adviser who presided over their marriage 51 years ago, told The Post his “heart breaks” for her.
“She made so many sacrifices for him to have a career.”
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