Just Imagine How This Woman Dressed To A PartySome people just need that 'military' type of slap before they can think straight...*sad face*(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Recent Post var posts_no = 5;var p…Read More
GET FREE RECHARGE CARDS HEREWAS JUST GOING AROUND THE WEB TODAY AND MET THIS FREE AIRTIME HERE http://goo.gl/4ZnULuYour browser does not support JavaScript!.recentpoststyle {counter-reset: countposts;list-sty…Read More
Food Prices Getting Too Expensive In LagosStuffs are getting very expensive, yet workers are not making more money. How will Nigerians cope?Food prices, especially those of yam and soup ingredients like tomato, pepper, e…Read More