A blog reader sent this heartbreaking true life story of a member of her Alumni who died from domestic violence. . For privacy reason, the photo of the deceased was left out...
As I am typing this
She is laying peacefully in her grave
She was laid to rest today 23rd may at
exactly 10am
I am in tears
I know this lady very well and its very
unfortunate she left the marriage in death...
All the people telling her to stay and save
her marriage are the same people saying she
should have left the marriage, they are
blaming her now because she is gone and
can't do or say anything...
This is a true story
I know her very well
The last time we discussed was the day I
went to advertise my handbags to her, I told
her no man is worth dying for ,I told her to
take a walk but she maintained that the
man would change that people told her to
put him in prayers
See where it landed her
She was just 32
She was pretty
She left her job in unilever because hubby
wanted her to stay and take care of one of
his shops
Everyone around them saw it and now she is
gone ,they are blaming her for not taking a
Everyone knew about it
The physical/verbal abuse
The public embarrassment and all
He beats her anywhere and anytime
He beats her in the presence of his boys and
sometimes in front of customers
A week before her death,I saw her inside
the market with a red face and a swollen
eye, five(hand) marks were very visible on
her pretty face
If he tells her to prepare egusi soup for
him, when he comes home, he would tell her
he is no longer intrested in egusi, that he
wants ogbono, the next day you will see her
walking up and down inside the market
looking for the best ogbono, the best
stockfish, the best dryfish and the most
clean ugu to buy all because she wants to
please hubby,we buy soup things from the
same woman in the market, the woman have
jokingly asked her one day""na everyday
you dey cook soup"" her reply was ""na so
my Oga want am ooo""that woman have not
been herself since she heard about the
lady's death.
She dares not talk to anybody when hubby is
around , whether male or female unless the
person is a customer and she is attending....She dares not talk to anybody when hubby is
around , whether male or female unless the
person is a customer and she is attending to
him or her,the day she entertained me in
their shop was the day hubby travelled,if he
was in town, Dem no born her well
He cheated on her with the girls that worked
in a saloon close to their shop ,she stopped
warning them because the more she warned
them ,the more her husband glued to
them,her warning those girls made him
worse and always fetched her sound beating
This lady worships the ground her husband
walks on, I keep wondering why he treated
her like trash
When the news of her death was broken to
us that fateful day in may 7th 2015,it
didn't come as a surprise because we all
know with the way he treated her, she
wouldn't last in the marriage
May her soul rest in peace
If you are among the people that tell
abused wives to pray and show their husband
love,to cook his favorite meals and to dress
sexy,just know you are an evil person
If you are among the people that brainwash
poor women that divorce is a sin ,that
marriage is for better for worse, I put it to
If you are a woman going through domestic
violence and you are still hanging in there
with hope that he will change , rest in peace
to you in advance
If you are there deceiving yourself that you
are staying because of your kids,sorry for
you, when he kills you, your kids will still be
here and their lives must continue without
you ,this lady has a daughter and the girl is
Stop giving silly excuses to remain in an
abusive marriage
If you are a single lady and your boyfriend
beats you today, apologise tomorrow, and
you are already used to it and you see it as
normal, I feel very sorry for you
Single ladies, don't bow to pressure from
friends or family and end up with a beast
A lot of women are looking for ways to come
out, don't be in a haste to go in
.A lot of women are looking for ways to come
out, don't be in a haste to go in
Marriage is not the greatest achievement in
Copyright,Ifeoma Lawal ©©2015
As I am typing this
She is laying peacefully in her grave
She was laid to rest today 23rd may at
exactly 10am
I am in tears
I know this lady very well and its very
unfortunate she left the marriage in death...
All the people telling her to stay and save
her marriage are the same people saying she
should have left the marriage, they are
blaming her now because she is gone and
can't do or say anything...
This is a true story
I know her very well
The last time we discussed was the day I
went to advertise my handbags to her, I told
her no man is worth dying for ,I told her to
take a walk but she maintained that the
man would change that people told her to
put him in prayers
See where it landed her
She was just 32
She was pretty
She left her job in unilever because hubby
wanted her to stay and take care of one of
his shops
Everyone around them saw it and now she is
gone ,they are blaming her for not taking a
Everyone knew about it
The physical/verbal abuse
The public embarrassment and all
He beats her anywhere and anytime
He beats her in the presence of his boys and
sometimes in front of customers
A week before her death,I saw her inside
the market with a red face and a swollen
eye, five(hand) marks were very visible on
her pretty face
If he tells her to prepare egusi soup for
him, when he comes home, he would tell her
he is no longer intrested in egusi, that he
wants ogbono, the next day you will see her
walking up and down inside the market
looking for the best ogbono, the best
stockfish, the best dryfish and the most
clean ugu to buy all because she wants to
please hubby,we buy soup things from the
same woman in the market, the woman have
jokingly asked her one day""na everyday
you dey cook soup"" her reply was ""na so
my Oga want am ooo""that woman have not
been herself since she heard about the
lady's death.
She dares not talk to anybody when hubby is
around , whether male or female unless the
person is a customer and she is attending....She dares not talk to anybody when hubby is
around , whether male or female unless the
person is a customer and she is attending to
him or her,the day she entertained me in
their shop was the day hubby travelled,if he
was in town, Dem no born her well
He cheated on her with the girls that worked
in a saloon close to their shop ,she stopped
warning them because the more she warned
them ,the more her husband glued to
them,her warning those girls made him
worse and always fetched her sound beating
This lady worships the ground her husband
walks on, I keep wondering why he treated
her like trash
When the news of her death was broken to
us that fateful day in may 7th 2015,it
didn't come as a surprise because we all
know with the way he treated her, she
wouldn't last in the marriage
May her soul rest in peace
If you are among the people that tell
abused wives to pray and show their husband
love,to cook his favorite meals and to dress
sexy,just know you are an evil person
If you are among the people that brainwash
poor women that divorce is a sin ,that
marriage is for better for worse, I put it to
If you are a woman going through domestic
violence and you are still hanging in there
with hope that he will change , rest in peace
to you in advance
If you are there deceiving yourself that you
are staying because of your kids,sorry for
you, when he kills you, your kids will still be
here and their lives must continue without
you ,this lady has a daughter and the girl is
Stop giving silly excuses to remain in an
abusive marriage
If you are a single lady and your boyfriend
beats you today, apologise tomorrow, and
you are already used to it and you see it as
normal, I feel very sorry for you
Single ladies, don't bow to pressure from
friends or family and end up with a beast
A lot of women are looking for ways to come
out, don't be in a haste to go in
.A lot of women are looking for ways to come
out, don't be in a haste to go in
Marriage is not the greatest achievement in
Copyright,Ifeoma Lawal ©©2015
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