Those are the words Tami Cochran heard when she answered the phone from an unknown caller on Saturday night. On the other end of the phone, was Bianca Walker.
"That's when she said can I speak to him so I put the phone to his ear," Walker said. " He just broke down crying ."
Walker said she pulled over on Leesburg and Patterson Road around 9 p.m. after seeing Alvin Cochran, Jr. injured on the side of the road. A few feet away from him was a burning motorcycle.
Cochran was struck by a car while on his motorcycle.
"The only thing he said to me was babe I'm hurt, come and get me and I said I'm coming and those were our last words," Cochran said. "Our very last words."
Cochran succumbed to his injuries.
"If no one would've stopped he could've' passed right down the street, but when he passed he was with loved ones," Cochran said.
"I just felt like it was my duty as a Christian and a God-fearing woman so I was like I have to stop," Walker said. " I just can't see something and keep going."
Tami said she would be forever thankful for Bianca's kindness.
"Don't know her all but I'm glad I know her now," Tami said. "She gave me my time. She gave me his voice for the last time."
Trexler was granted a $150,000 bond. He is currently being held in the Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center.
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