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2 week-old 'wrinkly' baby rejected at hospital by mum and dad (Photos)

A two-week old baby girl born covered in wrinkles is struggling to survive after her parents rejected her because of her rare skin condition.
The tiny tot, who hasn't even been named yet, is being looked after by her granddad who fed her with goats milk from a spoon for two weeks before he could get her to a hospital in Maharashtra, western India.

Her mum, 25-year-old Mamata Dode, is said to have refused to feed the youngster because of her strange looks and hasn't visited her in hospital.Even her father, Ajay Dode, also 25, has refused to accept her

The infant’s grandfather Dilip Dode, 50, brought her to hospital in Mumbai, around 138 kilometres away from the village where she was born, after she became ill.He said:
 “I am thankful to the hospital for giving free medical treatment to my granddaughter.
"It is really disheartening that even her parents have rejected her but I will go to any extent to save her.”
Mr Dode, who works as a labourer, said that his son and his wife had been expecting a healthy child just like their three-year-old daughter Payal, but were left in horror when their new baby was born with unusual features.
He said:
“During my daughter-in-law’s pregnancy, my son had taken her for regular check ups at primary health care centre in our village but doctors never told them there was any problem with the baby."She had a normal delivery at the hospital.But when the baby was given to us, we were left shocked.She did not have the usual features and the word soon spread in the village.From our relatives to villagers, everyone gathered at our home to have a look at the baby.And when they got to see her they ran away in fear.None held the baby in hands as they thought they will catch the disease.Even my son and daughter-in-law refused to accept her as they were embarrassed to have given birth to her.But I knew it was not her fault so I started taking care of her. My only hope is that she gets well and lives a normal life.I will try to convince her parents to accept her but if they still refuse, I will raise her up myself.It is not her fault to have born different and I will not throw her for this disease.”
Wadia Hospital in Mumbai has agreed to meet the cost of her treatment, expected to be 500,000 rupees (around £5,000), and has arranged accomodation on the premisies for Mr Dode.

Culledfrom Uk Mirror 

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