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Nigerian Gay Activist Celebrates 11 Years of Living With HIV

Gay Nigerian activist, Bisi Alimi shared a heartfelt note on Instagram reflecting on the day he discovered his HIV status.

He wrote:
Nigerian Gay Activist Celebrates 11 Years of Living With HIV
“It’s 11years today I got the news that changed my life completely. It has made me who I am. Life has thought me to turn #Shame to #Pride, #Hate to #Love, #Victimhood to #Champion. I am not perfect but “hell yes!” I am stronger now. #HIV has thought me to look positively at life and though it has not always been smooth, I am smarter now than 11years ago. Thanks to all my friends…people that can see beyond the HIV and see a work in progress and invest in me. #livingpositively #HIVpositive #lovingmylife #livingmylife.”

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