Mikel Obi Shows Off Russian Girlfriend (Photo)After winning the Premiership title with Chelsea team coached by Jose Mourinho, he then flew out with his Russian girlfriend Olga to Dubai to enjoy the summer time.See photo afte…Read More
How To Deal With Armed Robbery in Lagos TrafficLagos, Nigeria’s most beloved city, is famous for the level of traffic commuters in the city have to endure on a daily basis. While the traffic situation can be quite frustratin…Read More
Check out this amazing Lego wedding cake You see all kinds of awesome wedding cakes, but seriously how awesome is this Lego cake? Can you please marvel at it's attention to detail. It was made by a bakery in the U…Read More
Photo: Man lying strangely on the road in Yaba A man lying down strangely on the road. Says he's been there for a while now. No one is sure whether he is dead, drunk or alive. He's lying on Commercial Avenue Yaba. Less…Read More