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Bruce Jenner's first wife speaks on his transition, says he told her in the 70s

Chrystie Scott was married to Bruce Jenner for nine years. From 1972 to 1981 and is the mother of his two oldest children, Burt and Casey Jenner, and she was the first person he ever confided in about his gender identity.

Speaking about his Diane Sawyer interview, Chrystie told George Stephanopoulos on his radio show this morning about her shock when Bruce first told her in the first year of their marriage in the 70's.
"I can't remember the exact words because it was such a shock to me, but he opened up his heart and confessed, and he had to share this deep, dark secret. He told me he wanted to be a woman, and understandably, I didn't know what to say. It's so hard to wrap your head around it, particularly because he was such a manly man. He never indicated anything feminine in his demeanor."
Speaking about Jenner finally talking about it, Chrystie said;
"I'm sure there are plenty of people that don't have the courage to come out at all, ever, and they live private, dark tortured lives and that's tragic. That's just tragic and the fact that he did share it with me that first year, I feel like that was actually a gift he gave to me to trust me with something so intimate."

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