Today people we have a fun treat as I’ve decided to show you guys how to make PSP games run on your nicely modded PS3 systems. Am I nice or what?
Well you may think “man, that would take some kind of wizard or something” but no, its easy as pie with the great tools your wonderful ps3scene devs (that work so hard to tick off Sony, lol) have generously giving out to the inter webs for free, and Sony as well for they’re never used PSPEMU that roams around in our PS3’s for some odd reason (like a tree gnome or lawn elf.)
Now you may be saying “this dude is getting annoying with this odd rambling.” Yes I do believe I am, so here is a poor excuse for a guide I made for this very simple process of converting your PSP game that hurts your hands into a ps3 game you can play for days with the great Dualshock 3 and a big screen you can actually see and read.
You’re now thinking “there has to be a catch.” Well sadly yes as many PSP games are not compatible with the poor PSPEMU inside the PS3 as its very limited and unstable but there are tons of settings to fiddle with and much googling to do for adjustments to make many of them work.
So with no more drunken jabber lets get straight into the guide with a small explanation.
I’m running a clean ship so no asking for where to get ISOs, as I’m telling you now::From UMDs at the game store, you get them with this thing called money,which you trade to the game store for them, this is in-turn spent by the game store to buy more games from the games manufacturer and used to support the gaming industry.
To keep things simple and sweet, I’m going to convert Lunar Silver Star Harmony from UMD to PS3 game, step by step, so you can enjoy this great game though most games can be converted in the same way.
::Tools used::
Windows XP black edition PC with valid registration(yeah its legal)
UMD of Lunar SSH by xSeeds
PSP console
USB cable
16gb USB flash-drive (just has to be big enough for your package files)
Rebug REX 4.46 CECHA01 PS3 console
Big Flat 19inch LCD
Jar of Moonshine
::On your PSP::
-1. Put the UMD of the game in the PSP.
0. Press Select on the PSP in the XMB to open the vsh menu, navigate to “USB device” and set it to “UMD disc.”
1. Rip PSP game UMD using PSP and USB cable to a PC where ever you want, just remember how to navigate to it.
::On your PC::
2. Open ps3_minis.exe (For Windows Vista/7/8 users, right-click it and select run as administrator)
::In the ps3_minis window::
3. Click Options in the bottom right corner, and the blue part of the window will change to a more in-depth settings menu.
4. Click the box next to the file menu with the 3 dots([...]) and a navigation window will open for you to find and select the ISO you ripped. The navigation window will then close, and your game will be listed in the file: box with the content ID box under ISO options will be filled in with the ISO ID numbers.
5. Under Options settings, ensure the PSP Remaster bubble is checked.(Some games work better as minis1 games)
6. Next to PSP Remaster is a button called MINIS2. Depending on the game you are converting, these settings may need to be altered for the game to work properly.
:: How these MINIS2 settings work::
version:: Is for what PS3 firmware you want the game to use as its minimal system FW to run on, usually this is set to 0xFFFFFFFF for all FW’s
adhoc_party:: Is for wifi multi player games like (phantasy star portable 2) and is set with 0(zero) for disabled and 1(one)for enabled.
s3d.enable:: I believe this to be for the 3d displays but I’m not sure, but functions with the same 0/1 disable/enable as adhoc_party
additional_key_asingn:: This is used for enabling and mapping the second analog stick or other non-psp buttons on the PS3 controller to usable functions in the PSP game on the PS3, second analog stick is set to mimic the other with 0000000047C6C544, not sure on other codes and buttons.
There are more functions and codes for this txt file but these 4 are your norm and will usually be preset with basic settings
::Back to guide::
7. Click on the big convert button in the bottom right. This will start an automated section of the conversion. Just sit back and let it do its thing till it goes to the next step.
8. Eventually it will tell you to press the {make package} button. Click it and you are now making a installable ps3 package. Sit back and let it do its thing once more.
9. Eventually, the new converted file will be put in the results folder of the PSP2PS3 file’s directory. Don’t worry, the program will automatically open the folder in a new window for you. Now copy the new PSP game’s PS3 package file to the root of a USB flash drive.
10. When that’s done unhook your flash-drive from the PC and move over to your hacked PS3 and connect it to the USB port closest to the disk drive, or if you have it standing up, the highest port from the surface the system is sitting on.
:: Installing the package on Rebug REX 4.46::(May differ for other versions or CFW/MFW)
11. Boot (turn on) your Rebug PS3.
11.5. Disable internet in network setting in the settings section as a precaution.
12. Navigate to the game section of the XMB, and then highlight and select “Package Manager.”
13. On the submenu that appears, select “Install Package Files” and then “Standard Package Location.”
14. From here, you will now see the package file you created. Select it to begin the installation.
15. After the installation completes, restart your PS3.
16. Look in your games section of the XMB and there is your nicely made PSP game. (For those using the group category, you will now notice a PSP Remaster subfolder, which contains your game.Minus1 games show up in minus section.)
17. Boot the game
17a. If everything works right, boom you’re in a place called awesome.
18. Drink and enjoy a night at home with a good game and celebrate your great accomplishment.
19. Remember to reset the system before every time you connect to PSN, this clears the game ID from the game-log in the system.
It can be tricky to get some games to work so try a few times if needed, and some games don’t work at all on the PS3, so its a trial and error game till you get it.
Thanks for the read and if you need help I’ll be making a thread dedicated to this process and I hope everyone can help get a big group of games and they’re settings for them to work.
::Side notes and thoughts beyond the guide::
Ad hoc games do work with one user on PS3 and others on PSP but DO NOT try to play any PSP games online with a PS3 as you will get banned from PSN instantly as Sony does not support any PSP games on the PS3 officially
In step 10, jc_gargma has noted that you can use any usb port on the CECHK01 PS3 in Rebug to install these packages from. I’ve used port zero in the guide as it is the dev port for the system.
::Tested ps3 models and CFW::
CECHA01,Rebug REX 4.46 jd20dog
CECHK01,Rebug REX 4.46 jc_gargma
CECH2501B,Rebug(#?), SMOKE
::PSP games tested with default settings::
Lunar Silver Star Harmony, jd20dog
Rockman legends 2, jd20dog
Popolocroise, jd20dog
Adventures to Go, jc_gargma